FROME Ladies Club recently celebrated their 60th anniversary with a special meal at the Assembly Rooms, on Wednesday 12th October.
The longest serving member, Shirley Smith, cut the cake and chairperson, Elizabeth Curtis, gave a speech.
She said, “I feel privileged to be chairperson of the club in this, its 60th anniversary year, and I am especially pleased to have with us Shirley Smith, who was a founding member and who has continued to support the club through all those years.
“Most of you will know the club originated at the old health centre in Cork Street, where it began as a support and social meeting place for young mothers, to share their experiences or concerns over a cup of tea/coffee. It went on to become a club with 100 members with a waiting list, so moved to Christchurch Hall, where monthly meetings were held the last Wednesday in the month, until the Covid pandemic, after which the club now meets at Critchill School.
“Never forgetting its original aims, it now added, social events and fundraising. Over the years we have supported many charities, not only directly, but also by taking part in town events such as town fetes and the carnival, where we often won first prize.
“Unfortunately, as a women’s role in life changed and there are far fewer stay-at-home mums, our numbers declined and we now number less than 50. With a lack of new and younger members, the future of the club is uncertain.
“But tonight, we are here to celebrate our 60 years, meet with friends old and new, many of which were made in the club and to enjoy ourselves. So please raise your glasses and join me in a toast to our club’s 60 years of friendship, fun and laughter. Long may it continue!”