At a Meeting of Frome Ladies Club held on the 28th August, Christine Cornaby took the chair and introduced Adelaide Brown ALCM with her flute and Clare Sydenham ALCM LRAM on the piano.
Both musicians are classically trained and can be hired for events such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries etc.
Adelaide and Clare also provide quizzes and our chosen quiz was “A Trip Around the British Isles” when the pair would play well known songs and ask questions relevant to the lyrics of each song. For instance they played “I belong to Glasgow” and members had to name the city. Not all questions were as easy however, and we all had a lot of fun working out the answers. The winners were Di Webster and team. Vote of Thanks was given by Christine Cornaby.
Tea hostesses were Theresa Reynolds, Pat Nuth, Cynthia Smith and Chris Shilabeer. Raffle winners were Carol Dufton, Di Webster, Cynthia Smith, Gill Talbot, Lesley Hill, Chris Shilabeer, Monica Price and Pat Nuth.
A cake stall held to raise funds for Freewheelers Blood Bikes, raised in excess of £77. Members donated the impressive array of cakes on offer most of which they had made themselves.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 25th September when members will be served with a cream tea by the Committee.
Jenny Boorer