The Annual General Meeting of Frome Ladies Club was held on 30th January and was presided over by Chairman Christine Cornaby.
The club reports, “The minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 31st January 2018 were read by Jenny Boorer and then Christine gave her report as Chairman, saying 2018 had been a successful and busy year with a wide variety of speakers and trips enjoyed by all who had taken part.
“Christine thanked each committee member for their hard work during the year. Treasurer, Sandra Dean, presented her accounts for the year which confirmed the club was in a healthy position. There were no questions and the accounts were duly adopted by the meeting.
“It was then the turn of Social Secretary, Karen Meates, to detail the trips and events for the year.
“Refreshments were served by Hilary Westlake, Pat Nuth and Gill Talbot after which members took part in a quiz prepared by Abbie Haines.
“The new committee for 2019 is as follows:- Chairman Christine Cornaby, Business Secretary Jenny Boorer, Treasurer Sandra Dean, Social Secretaries Jackie Foxwell and Karen Meates, Speakers Ann Carsana, Registration Leslie Hill, Raffle Abbie Haines and Teas Ann Davis.
“The next meeting will be held at Christchurch Hall on Wednesday 27th February when the speaker will be Stephanie Millward, Paralympian swimmer, who will also collect the cheque for our charity of 2018, MS Society Bath and District Group.”
Jenny Boorer