The Frome Lions with their haybale collection raised £1,200 and split it two ways; £600 to Talking Newspapers and £600 to the Stroke Association’s Frome group.
The Haybale Collection is where the Lions call on local farmers to collect donated hay, straw and silage bales which are later sold at market value.
Alternatively lots of farmers instead of hay gave a donation of cash or cheques to help the Lions good causes. The Lions would like to thank the farmers for all their generous support over the many years.
Talking Newspapers is a service run all by volunteers who read and record the news and articles of local newspapers which are copied digitally to distribute to people who find it difficult to read with impaired vision. The £600 that the Lions donated will go to help buy USB memory sticks and provide new equipment to playback the recorded speech for people to enjoy hearing the local news.
The Stroke Association Mendip Group regularly meets at the Trinity hall. The group is about half volunteers and helpers and half people recovering from a stroke. The aim of the group is to get those affected by a stroke back to a normal life and living an independent a life as possible in a social setting.
This includes helping in a positive way, to enable individuals to acquire new skills and relearn old skills, which may need adapting to the limitations caused by a stroke. Allayni Evans the group’s co-ordinator explained that the money donated by the Lions would be put to trips out, and mainly helping pay for specialist transport to give wheel chair access.
Please visit the Frome Lions website for information about what the Lions are doing in the local area.