An exciting new Community Hub is to be established at the old Social Services building on Christchurch Street West.
The ambitious plans by Frome Town Council are forging ahead following the council meeting last month where the decision was taken to purchase the space. Frome Town Council are now looking for your opinions and ideas to make the Community Hub the heart for Frome life.
Paul Wynne, Frome Town Clerk said, “Frome Community Hub will be a dynamic space where local groups can come and meet, community services can be provided and offices can be rented. This community space will belong to the people of Frome, a place where Frome Life begins and where you can pop in 24/7 to get answers about and engage with community life. Alongside offices and shared spaces for community groups there will be a large conference room and a number of smaller meeting rooms.
“So far the response by the wider Frome Community has been fantastic and Frome Town Council are delighted that the community are happy with the decision to create this wonderful space for the people of Frome. Over the next few months we will be keeping you up to date with their developments.
“At this stage the town council plans to take out a Government loan at a fixed low rate to buy the building and restore it. The rental income we receive from letting out offices and meeting rooms will cover the cost of the loan repayments and there will be no impact on the amount of council tax that you pay as a result of this project.”
Frome Town Council want to hear your voice, what do you think about Frome Community Hub, what should this space look like and what do you want to see there? This is your chance to have your say.
Please log on to www.surveymonkey.com/s/PKXY5MB to make your voice heard.