REPORTING direct from his own weather station in Frome, our local meteorologist, Michael Cooper, has all the facts and figures for Frome’s weather in May.
Rainfall for May = 37 mm and in the old £ = 1.45 inches. 27 mm of this total arrived on 08/05/19. There were recorded 2 days of N.M = Not Measurable.
This was the lowest recorded rainfall since May 2010 when 26 mm was the statistic. The highest for Frome being 132 mm recorded in the May of 2007. The average for Frome over the past 18 years = 74.1 mm, therefore this May 2019 = half the recorded average.
For information for Mays: 2018 = 49.5 mm. 2017 = 77 mm. 2016 = 59.5 mm. 2015 = 85 mm. 2014 = 99 mm. 2013 = 64 mm. 2012 = 76 mm. 2011 = 38 mm. 2010 = 26 mm. 2009 = 53 mm. 2008 = 90 mm. 2007 = 132 mm. 2006 = 110 mm. 2005 = 60 mm. 2004 = 30 mm. 2003 = 53 mm. 2002 = 131 mm. 2001 = 42 mm. 2000 = 110 mm.
All rainfall measurements were recorded from a Met/ check Cu Rain gauge, i.a.w. Air Ministry form 1122.
Highest D.T.T. = 20 degrees C . recorded @ 15:00 hrs 21/05,22/05,25/05, & 30/05. Lowest D.T.T. =12 degrees C, recorded @ 15.00 hrs 04/05. 05/05. 05/05 & 17/05.
Lowest N.T.T. = 7.0 degrees C, recorded during the night 05-06/05 & 09-10 /05. Highest N.T.T. = 15 degrees C, recorded during the night 30-31/05 & 25-26/05. It is worth noting that the highest May temperature 2019 = was 6.0 degrees C lower than the highest D.T.T. in May 2018 & 5.0 degrees C lower than the May of 2017. Also the Lowest D.T.T. of 12 degrees C was 8.0 degrees C Higher than the same of 2018. The average D.T.T. Recorded @ 15.00 hrs May 2019 = 15.7 degrees C. All temperatures were recorded from within a S.S. from two different thermometers .
Highest Barometric Atmospheric Air Pressure = 1032 mb on 13/05/19. Lowest Barometric Atmospheric Air Pressure = 1000 mb recorded on the 08/05/19.
Highest wind speed = 29 mph on the 08/05/19 Vector Direction = S.W.