REPORTING direct from his own weather station in Frome, our local meteorologist, Michael Cooper, has all the facts and figures for Frome’s weather in March.
Weather statistics for Frome March 2018.
Rainfall for March = 138.5mm. This includes 127mm of snow on Thursday 1st March and 88.9mm of snow on Sunday 18th March. The snow was measured from a level board.
This rainfall statistic was the highest recorded rainfall since 2002, which was 141mm. The average rainfall for March over the past 18 years = 64mm.
This March indicated the worst snowfall in March since March 1987 &1982.
All rainfall readings were taken from a Met/Check Cu Rain gauge i.a.w. Air Ministry form 1122.
Highest D.T.T. = 12 Degrees C Recorded Sunday 25th March at 3pm.
Lowest D.T.T. = Minus 5.0 Degrees C to 12.00hrs & Minus 4.0 Degrees C remainder of the day.
Lowest N.T.T. = Minus 6.0 Degrees C recorded during the night of Thursday 1st March.
Highest N.T.T. = 7.0 Degrees C recorded during the night Monday 26th March.
All temperatures were recorded from within a S.S. from two different thermometers. It is interesting to note, that this March was the coldest March since 1987/1982 with an average D.T.T. = 6.2 Degrees C .
It was also the coldest N.T.T. For a March that I have recorded and the coldest March D.T.T. that I have recorded .
Air Pressure:
Lowest Barometric Atmospheric Air Pressure = 992 mb recorded on Sunday 11th March.
Highest Barometric Atmospheric Air Pressure = 1028 mb recorded on Wednesday 21st March.
Wind speed:
Highest Wind Speed = 34 m.p.h. Vector Direction = E recorded on 1st, 17th and 18th March.
Final Comments:
It is of interest, that on 9th March 1891, it was the U.K. Great Blizzard.
Also on 29th March 1952, there was heavy Snow over S.E. England, winds gusting to 70 m.p.h. N.N.E. with snow all day accumulating to a depth of 12 inches. Worst hit was the Northern Home Counties.
We are informed by the Met Office that the cause of this late Winter/Early Spring Event was a Sudden Stratosphere Warming.