REPORTING direct from his own weather station in Frome, our local meteorologist, Michael Cooper, has all the facts and figures for Frome’s weather in November.
Weather statistics for Frome November 2017.
Rainfall for Frome this November = 80mm.
The average rainfall for Frome over the past 18 years = 106mm. So this November was well under the average and the lowest recorded rain fall since 2011.
All readings were recorded from a Met/Check Cu Rain gauge i.a.w. Air Ministry Form 1122.
Highest D.T.T. = 14 Degrees C recorded at 3pm on Wednesday 1st November.
Lowest D.T.T. = 3.0 Degrees C. recorded at 3pm on Thursday 30th November.
Lowest N.T.T. = 0 Degrees C recorded during the nights of 28th/29th, and 25th/26th November.
Highest N.T.T. = 10 Degrees C recorded during the night of 3rd/4th November.
It is interesting to note that:
[1] It was recorded on five mornings at 7am, visible white frosts to roofs and car windscreens and two mornings of visible ground frosts.
[2] The average Day Time temperature 2016 = 8.2 Degrees C & the Average Day Time Temperature 2017 = 8.5 Degrees C.
[3] November 2017, has followed a similar temperature pattern to that of 2016, mild at the beginning and cold at the month’s end
[4] Friday 30th November was the coldest November day for many years, investigation indicates, since 2011, but this is to be to be confirmed.
All temperatures were recorded from within a S.S. from three different thermometers.
Air Pressure:
Highest Barometric Atmospheric Air Pressure = 1026mb, recorded Friday 17th November.
Lowest Barometric Atmospheric Air Pressure = 1010mb, recorded Saturday 4th November.
Wind speed:
Highest wind speed = 50 m.p.h. Vector Direction W.S.W. recorded Wednesday 22nd November.