For the past four years, Ciara Nolan, the author of our regular ‘Humans of Frome’ column has been privileged to capture the fantastic stories of the people of this town. ‘Humans of Frome’ is both an online blog and a column in the Frome Times. Now, this has led to Ciara offering a memoir writing service.
‘Humans of Frome’ was inspired by the wonderful ‘Humans of New York’ and the column has gone from strength to strength over the years. Everyone has a story to tell and Ciara has realised that sometimes some of these amazing stories don’t get told. ‘There are limitations to how much of a story you can fit into a newspaper column. I am all too aware that sometimes the life story I am witnessing is more than interesting enough for a book, but I reluctantly have to condense everything into just a few words. I hate walking away from a good story and I can see that it is frustrating for the person I am writing about.
“That’s why I would like to offer this memoir writing service. Why not have your story written and printed into a book? The series of interviews involved and looking through old photo albums can be a very enjoyable experience and holding the finished printed book in your hands is hugely rewarding.”
Over the years ‘Humans of Frome’ has written so many beautiful stories, including the one of Alfie and his true love Miss Mittens who were wartime lovers. Alfie had grown up an orphan, his childhood story not a million miles away from that of Oliver Twist. Miss Mittens changed Alfie’s life and showed him over their 60 years together the true meaning of love, their story is one of compassion and a humanity that left most of us speechless. They didn’t have children sadly, and now both of them have passed on. When Alfie recounted his story to Ciara, both she and Alfie were aware that this was his legacy.
If you would like to have your life story written into a book please check the writing services section of Ciara’s website – www.ciara