FROME College student Ben Manning has received the accolade of the ‘Frome Young Citizen of the Year’ after coming out ahead of six other candidates. He has received further recognition for volunteering and helping others with The Diana Award.
Congratulating Ben on his Frome Young Citizen of the Year award, Frome College reported, “All the candidates were very good, but Ben stood out as exceptional for this award. The criteria for the nominations were ‘others before self’.
“Not only is Ben excelling academically, he has been very pro-active in college life and the wider community, always helpful and supportive to others. This list of activities he is involved in is long, including the Student Council, helping set up the college’s ‘GuruBar’ – a technical service to allow students and staff alike to access and benefit from their iPad to enhance their learning, and being the youngest Youth Leader in our Duke of Edinburgh scheme.
“In addition to this, Ben has volunteered on many occasions, notably in the stage management for, not only our own college productions, but also those from our feeder schools; these commitments have resulted in him volunteering many evenings and weekends.
“Commendably, he is also focused on fund raising for the counselling service that has not only helped him, but will also help other children in the future.
“Ben was invited to attend a presentation evening with the Frome Rotary Club on 2nd June at the Fox and Hounds, Tytherington.
“We are all very proud of his achievements, hard work, commitment and wish him all the very best for the future.”
Following on from this success, Ben has also received The Diana Award for his tireless volunteering activities and for helping others. The award is presented to young people who inspire the lives of others.
Along with all other activities he is involved in, Ben is currently organising, alongside Dorothy House Hospice, a sponsored bike ride to set up a registered charity which will be sustainable, and continue to offer a mentoring service for young vulnerable people outside of school hours.
He successfully applied for a Youth Bank grant enabling him to train in first aid and coaching skills which he can use to support young people in the future. Ben is organising and meeting with Dorothy House and the accountants all in his own time, again after school as and when needed.
As part of the ongoing network and mentoring programme the Diana Award will be holding an ‘Inspire Day’ in Bristol in July where Ben will be presented with the certificate in a special ceremony.
The college said, “Congratulations go to Ben from us all!”
Pictured: l-r, Mrs Bendry, head of Hypatia House. Principal, Mr Ball with Ben Manning in Year 11. Mr Lock, Chair of Governors, Mrs West, Pastoral Manager and Mrs Edwards, student services.