Frome Town Council is inviting local residents from Frome and surrounding areas to come along to this year’s Annual Town Meeting at the Assembly Rooms, Christchurch St West, Frome (BA11 1EB) on Wednesday 6th April at 7.00pm.
The highlight of the evening will be when Mayor Kate Bielby presents the Civic Awards to Frome residents who have made a noticeable and positive difference to Frome.
Paul Wynne, Town Clerk explains, “Alongside the Civic Awards the meeting will include a presentation by Kate Bielby about her year in office. Leader of the Council Peter Macfadyen will also sum up what has been achieved in the last year and our plans for the future.
“This meeting is not a Council meeting though, it’s main function is to provide a chance for Frome residents and surrounding parishes to raise any concerns, ideas and opportunities, no matter how large or small, to the Town Council.
“By working on these together we can hopefully resolve them. So please do join us if you can, there will also be nibbles, refreshments and live music – and plenty of time for residents to meet informally with councillors.”
If members of the public would like to submit a question in advance that would be helpful so the Council can manage the evening as best they can. Send these to Paul Wynne, 5 Palmer Street, Frome BA11 1DS or email