A CONCERNED resident is leading the way in objecting to Vodafone’s planning application to erect a 15-metre phone mast at the junction of Bath Street and Grange Road and she urges other residents to do the same.
Vodafone had previously applied for planning permission, on Wednesday 26th April 2017, to build a 15-metre tall phone mast and base station, with two microwave dishes and three equipment cabinets between Bath Street and Grange Road in Frome. This application, with over 100 negative comments from local residents, was then refused on July 11, 2017.
However, Vodafone has now issued an appeal against the decision, with a decision date for the appeal not yet decided. They have amended the plans and changed it from a shrouded Jupiter to a replica telegraph pole. The microwave dishes have been removed and an equipment cabinet has also been removed.
Vodafone state, “As part of Vodafone and Telefonica’s continued network improvement program, there is a specific requirement for a radio base station at this location to improve coverage in the area to provide 2G/3G and 4G coverage in the area for Vodafone and Telefonica. Mobiles can only work with a network of base stations in place where people want to use their mobile phones or other wireless devices. Without base stations, the mobile phones and other devices we rely on simply won’t work.”
However, due to the plans being amended, it means the previous objection comments on the plan will no longer be valid, and will need to be resubmitted.
Mother of three, Hayley Riddick, who lives opposite the proposed site, is urging everyone to make their opinions known, to ensure this application is once again refused.
Hayley Riddick said, “The phone mast will be a complete eyesore, an alien prospect that is better suited elsewhere. There are several other alternatives for the mast to go.
“I don’t want to come across like we don’t need this facility, everyone has a phone and everyone needs signal, but there are other places best suited to house the mast. It’s not in keeping with the look of the area.
“I wish Vodafone would take this opportunity to work with the community to find a suitable place, rather than go for the quick and cheap option. We have tried to invite them to public meetings to discuss it but it hasn’t worked.”
If you would like to submit a comment regarding this planning proposal then visit the Mendip Council Planning website and use the reference 17/00043/REFPA to comment on the appeal. For the original application form, please use the reference 2017/1163/TEL where you can find the detailed drawings and information. You only have until January 4th to make your comments known.