Despite the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic restrictions, the Lions Club of Frome are still able to erect their annual Tree of Remembrance and Memorial Board in early December, in front of Rook Lane Chapel in Bath Street.
They report, “The tree is erected at this special time of year to enable the residents of Frome and surrounding villages to remember their loved ones or memorable causes, whilst at the same time, helping the less fortunate members of society.
“This year, donations will be used by the Lions Club of Frome to support Fair Frome in its distribution of food parcels to those families unduly impacted by the current Covid-19 pandemic. There are many families in the Frome area that are suffering with greatly reduced incomes during this crisis and it is the Lions’ hope that your donation will ease their worries over the forthcoming festive season.
“Unfortunately, due to the current restrictions, it will not be possible this year to hold the traditional Carol Service and dedication in front of Rook Lane Chapel as the rule of no gatherings exceeding six in number still apply.
“It is intended to record a short Service of Dedication given by the Reverend Colin Horne, when the tree will be blessed, which we will make available for everybody to view via the Lions Club of Frome website:
“All donations will be acknowledged and a remembrance card will be sent for you to keep.
“If you would like to remember a loved one or special cause, donor forms can be obtained by:
• emailing keith.mcleod@ fromelions. or clive.;
• contacting Lion Keith McLeod 01373 454318 or Lion Clive Smith 01373 466303
• Downloading form from Frome Lions website:
“The Lions Club of Frome would like to thank NVB Architects for their most valued support and assistance with this project.”