LOCAL people are awaiting advice from the NHS as to when the Covid-19 vaccine will be available.
Somerset’s first batch of GP-led Covid-19 vaccines were administered in the county on Wednesday 8th December.
NHS staff have been working around the clock to deliver this part of the vaccine programme, by groups of GP practices working together, for selected people aged 80 and over prioritised by the independent Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI).
More local vaccination centres will be available in the next few weeks.
The NHS will contact people in the priority groups when it is their turn to receive the vaccine. Patients are asked not to contact their GP practice, local hospital, or other local NHS services.
Gill May, director of nursing and quality, Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group, said on Monday, “This is the greatest vaccination programme ever undertaken by the NHS and, to help vaccinate people safely, we will be working with local communities to deliver the vaccine settings which are both convenient and familiar.
“The NHS will contact people in the priority groups when it is their turn to receive the vaccine, so please do not contact your GP practice, local hospital, or other local NHS services.
“If you are given an appointment and are unable to attend, please let the team know as soon as you can, as this will allow somebody else to be protected.
“People unable to make their appointment will be able to rescheduled, and will not miss out.
“We know that people are very keen to find out about our developing Covid-19 vaccination programme across the local area, and we will share more updates as information becomes available.”
Further information on the vaccine is available online at www.nhs.uk.
Further plans for the local NHS vaccination programme are currently being drawn up, to ensure that the wider population across Somerset can access the vaccine in line with national guidance and as vaccine is available.
This includes delivering it in a number of locations to enable easier access for as many people as possible, including large county sites, community sites in locations across the county, hospital hubs, some GP surgeries and via teams of mobile vaccinators for those who cannot leave their homes.
Trudi Grant, director of public health at Somerset County Council, added, “It’s great news that the first Somerset residents and health and care workers are receiving Covid vaccinations this week. We are working closely with health colleagues to roll out the vaccination programme across Somerset, which will run from now into 2021.
“This is a real turning point in our fight against the disease. However, even with the great and very welcome news of the vaccination rollout, we still can’t afford to be complacent. Covid is still here in our communities. Therefore, please remember we must all continue to abide by the ‘hands, face and space’ rules to prevent further spread.”
For further information, visit: www.somersetccg. nhs.uk/covid-19-vaccinations-in-somerset/