Frome Medical Practice has encouraged the community to follow the national advice regarding coronavirus, following a scare at the practice.
A part of the practice was closed to the public last week as a precautionary measure following an unconfirmed case of coronavirus. However, later that same day, the potential case was confirmed as negative and the practice resumed normal service.
Following the incident, the medical centre said in a statement, “On Wednesday (19th February), following guidance from Public Health England, we closed part of the practice as a precautionary measure following an unconfirmed case of coronavirus. The remainder of the practice remained open and able to see patients.
“The potential case has now been confirmed as negative and the practice has returned to normal service.
“We would like to remind all patients of the national advice regarding coronavirus.
“Please call NHS 111 if you’ve been: To Wuhan or Hubei Province in China in the last 14 days (even if you do not have symptoms)
“To other parts of China, including Macau and Hong Kong, in the last 14 days and have a cough, high temperature or shortness of breath (even if it’s mild)
“To Thailand, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Republic of Korea or Malaysia in the last 14 days and have a cough, high temperature or shortness of breath (even if it’s mild). In close contact with someone with confirmed coronavirus.
“Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. Call 111, stay indoors and avoid close contact with other people. Tell 111 about any recent travel and any symptoms you have.
“Please also take the same precautions if you are experiencing symptoms and may have been in direct contact with someone who has travelled back recently from these destinations.
“There’s currently no vaccine for coronavirus. But there are things you can do to help stop germs like coronavirus spreading.
“The following measures help stop germs spreading: Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze. Put used tissues in the bin immediately. Wash your hands with soap and water often – use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available. Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell. Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean.”
For further information and latest updates on coronavirus visit: www.frome coronavirus-information