Walking in 2019? Be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise.
Well, walking is definitely a healthy activity but will it make you wealthy and wise? says Elaine Dadley for Mendip Ramblers. “As ever, it depends what you mean!
“There is certainly wisdom to be gained from walking with Mendip Ramblers. You certainly learn a lot – about the countryside, and routes and the seasons and, more practically, about how to stay dry, how not to fall over and to watch where you’re putting your feet! Wealthy is more difficult, but it doesn’t have to mean that you have loads of money – it can be about personal well-being, of finding some contentment, and walking can do that; on a good day!
“Before Christmas there were the usual variety of walks, not all of them too muddy, and some with sun and glorious autumn colour. The area holiday in Cardigan Bay was well supported and members enjoyed sunny weather and beautiful coastal scenery. There were also lots of opportunities for non-walking pastimes! Money has been raised for Children in Need and the Christmas walk and meal was very popular, especially the lunch!
“But, Mendip Ramblers walk throughout the winter months. For those who have overindulged during the festive season there are lots of walks on offer during the holiday period – nationally as well as locally – so no excuse to not put on your boots. Those New Year resolutions always require some effort!
“As well as the usual walks on Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays there are other opportunities to get involved in walking and other social activities. The efforts of the voluntary working party ensure that the paths are properly maintained and other members ensure that routes are checked. Experienced walk leaders look after the inexperienced and the careless!
“Hopefully there will be lots of good days this winter and Mendip Ramblers would be pleased to share the pleasures of walking with all who love the countryside. Help us to keep open the footpaths that give access to all to the Rights of Way that are our national heritage. Don’t lose your way!”
Full details can be found at www.mendipramblers .co.uk.