The AGM of the Frome & District Probus Club was held at the Standerwick Centre on 18th April. The 2016-17 president, Patrick Naughton, handed over the chain of office to Alan Sandall, president for 2017-18.
Alan said, “To have been involved with Frome Rotary Club in starting the Probus Club, I am honoured to become its president. It has been the a most successful Probus Club for 33 years.”
Probus is a local social group for retired professional and business men. The club was founded in 1984 and meets on the third Tuesday of each month at the Standerwick Centre in Frome Market. The monthly members’ meetings consist of club business, coffee and tea, talks on a wide range of different topics, and a two-course lunch.
In addition, the club offers a number of other activities, to which spouses and friends are welcome, including theatre and cultural visits, walks and social events (ladies’ lunch, skittles, quiz night, days-out, New Year lunch, etc). The club has a culture of care and tries to help members and spouses when it is needed. The website is