Active and In Touch Frome has introduced the charity’s new service manager, Dougie Brown.
They report, “Dougie started at the beginning of August and is keen for Active and In Touch to continue to grow within the wider community of Frome. From a background of the forces and six years with the Princes Trust (where he was operations lead for the education and training programmes for young people in the South of England) Dougie brings an enthusiasm to work with all ages within our community.
“The generational differences can be bridged and its not just the elderly who feel isolated in our modern communities. Active and In Touch Frome engages with lonely and/or isolated people in and around Frome. Our work is primarily led by a small staff with the help and support of many volunteers who are available to visit, talk with, and gently support people in getting involved with groups or activities around them. Our volunteers visit, help and befriend people who have become isolated or out of touch with the community around them.
“We are always looking for volunteers who will be looked after by the small staff team. If you are able to give some time either to be-friend someone or to help us with transport or administrative skills we would be delighted to hear from you. Email: volunteer@active or ring Dougie on 07572 854029.
“We are a registered charity and our governance is therefore managed by a small group of trustees who are also volunteers. We are entirely supported by donations and grants. Should you wish to support in any way we are also looking for a treasurer to run and manage our finances with the support of a finance volunteer. enquiries@activeand and you will be put in contact with our chair of trustees. Please help us to support Dougie and the team.”
Dougie lives in Frome with his wife Emily and daughter.