There will be no let up in the speed enforcement checks in and around Frome over the festive period, say campaigners fighting to stop speeding in the area.
Ashley Reay from the Frome Community Speedwatch Team said, “Reports show that speeds are still far too high and after complaints from the public and schools, seven more speed check areas have been added making a total now of twenty seven in and round Frome.
“At lower speeds there have been some improvements but those at between 40mph and 70mph in a 30mph zone have shown an alarming increase.
“It beggars belief that, at a recent check at Berkley School, a significant numbers of parents approaching the school were recorded at speeds of up to 50mph in a 30mph zone with children in the vehicle.
“There will be no escape for high speeding vehicles as there are now so many at checks that if it is not today, then sooner or later the speeding motorists will be recorded and penalty points, possible disqualification, and fines will surely follow.
“Thousands of warning letters along with notices of prosecution have been sent to the motorists and in, and around Frome and, by the end of 2016, some 10,000 motorists will have been prosecuted for speeding offences over a three year period.
“During 2017 it is thought that new infra-red night time vision equipment will start to be used in Frome so there will really be no escape for the high speeders. The message is simple, slow down, be safe and enjoy a happy Xmas and new year and avoid all the consequences that follow a conviction for excess speed.”