A FROME woman’s twenty-plus years of dedication to a charity supporting disabled people has been recognised at the House of Lords.
Carol Harper was recently presented with an award for her more than two decades of volunteering with the Frome and District Phab Club.
Carol was nominated for the Paul Hope Award, which recognizes the effort and commitment of the Phab clubs and their volunteers to encourage members to try new activities and build up their confidence and self esteem.
She was nominated by members of the Frome club who said, “In addition to her voluntary role as treasurer, and encouraging the aims and ambitions of the club, Carol worked tirelessly to keep the Frome branch alive when membership numbers were in serious decline.”
“The club is now thriving again,” said Carol. “It came as a complete surprise when I received my invitation to the awards. I am so touched that my club nominated me and, as always, I am so grateful for their support. The experience at the House of Lords was amazing, and receiving my certificate from Baroness Campbell was wonderful.
“I am lucky to have such a dedicated committee to support not only me, but all our members too of course.”
To find out more about Frome Phab, contact Carol by emailing cgharper@btinternet.com Phab is a national charity dedicated to the integration of people with physical disabilities into the community since 1957.
The annual Phab awards took place on 6th October at the House of Lords, hosted by Baroness Campbell of Surbiton, DBE.