A CONCERNED resident of Frome has submitted a petition to the town council asking for the paths in Victoria Park to be repaired.
Feeling at risk of tripping on the uneven paths, 88-year old Betty Duke, from Park Road, organised a petition asking her fellow residents at Longleat Court to support her mission.
The petition stated, “Request to Frome Town Council: The residents of Park Road, particularly Longleat Court, feel they are in danger of accidents due to the state of the footpaths when visiting Victoria Park. We would urge you to improve the paths and seating, as soon as possible. Parks in other towns are well kept and have flower beds.”
Betty collected over 120 signatures before passing on the petition to the Mayor of Frome, cllr Sheila Gore. Betty said, “I could have easily got far more names, everyone I met in the park felt the same. Older people and parents with children are keen to see the paths repaired. Cllr Gore, promised to pass on the petition to the parks manager.”
Marketing and communications manager for Frome Town Council, Rachel Griffin said, “The walk around Victoria Park is an important, historical feature – and we’re already looking at ways we can improve the surface where it’s starting to wear.
“Any improvements will be subject to budgets though – and footpath works can be costly.”