FROME residents are up in arms about Mendip District Council’s decision to close Frome’s Saturday market.
The council announced this month that it was adjusting opening times for all its markets due to “an expected decrease in trader numbers and footfall over recent weeks and months.”
This has resulted in the closure of the market held on Saturdays in Boyle Cross and Market Yard, and a change to the opening hours of the market held on Wednesdays from 9am-2pm to 9am-12pm.
The district council has said the changes are temporary, but has not given a date for its return, which has sparked concern for traders who may struggle to survive.
In response to the changes, residents have launched a petition, calling on the district council to reverse its decision. So far, over 560 people have shown their support.
The petition says, “It is time to tell Mendip District Council that their decision to close the Frome Saturday Market is wrong. “The market provides essential goods in a safe outdoor space that allows for easy social distancing. Closing the market forces customers who feel safer shopping outdoors, into supermarkets.
“Furthermore, a market closure would put more financial strain on local traders who are already struggling to stay afloat.
“Give the traders an opportunity to be included in the decision making and be part of the solution.”
About the changes to their market opening times, Mendip District Council said, “Mendip District Council fully recognises the importance of its outdoor markets, and the ability for communities to shop in these open-air environments.
“There has been an expected decrease in trader numbers and footfall over recent weeks and months, as such we are adjusting our market opening times slightly – but will remain open daily.
“All weekday markets will run as normal, but with slightly reduced hours 9am-12 noon. There will be no markets on Saturdays.
“Since the 2020 lockdown, Mendip District Council has worked hard to ensure that all necessary measures are in place to support the delivery of Mendip Markets, and to support its traders as they continue to provide essential provisions, such as food, cleaning products and pet supplies, to the public.
“Your council has ensured markets remain open, and Covid secure. To enable this, we have added additional measures in line with Government guidelines such as recommending the wearing face coverings, encouraging social distancing and the introduction of cash free payment options, in order that our much-loved markets continue to operate as safely as possible for both stall holders and our communities.”
To view the petition, visit the website: