Frome residents are being invited to bring bikes, household goods and clothes to be fixed at One Planet Sunday on the 11th October at the Cheese and Grain, 11.00am-4.00pm.
The event is also offering a ‘Freecycle’ service where people can bring unwanted items and take items that they would like, as well as an ‘abundance’ stall to share unwanted fruit and press apples.
Co-organiser Mandy said, ‘There’s an exciting array of stalls and activities. From Keith Barnham’s amazing solar revolution talk to live music from brilliant local artists, free activities for kids including group song writing and delicious local food. We hope it will be a real hub of activity and interest.
“Groups such as Refugee Crisis support have also been invited to give a talk about how people can get involved and other projects such as the new ‘women’s shed’ which will enable women to get together to do DIY and share other skills will be launched at the event.
“Last year we had over 350 people, but we expect this year to be even bigger.’
For more information see: planetsunday or call 01373 475574.