SPEED campaigners in Frome have expressed shock and outrage after recently installed speed detectors showed ‘horrendous’ speeds of up to 95mph recorded in a 30mph limit zone outside a local school.
Ashley Reay of Mendip Community Speed Watch said, “At a recent trial site at the 30mph zone at Berkley School, the figures recorded in a 7-day period were at best, horrendous, and at worst, almost unbelievable.
“The data recorded showed that out of the 10,256 vehicles recorded, some 5,060 were travelling fast enough to have been prosecuted. More than that, the highest speed was no less than 95mph. Seven drivers were over 80mph and seven over 70mph, 42 drivers at speeds of over 60mph, and 142 over 50mph.
“The 95mph speed was the highest ever recorded within the local area. These speeds were not in ‘the dead of night’ but spread evenly throughout the working day. Speeds at over 50 mph that reach a magistrate court will be the subject of extended fines and a much higher level of disqualification than previously seen.”
The Police and Speed Enforcement unit (SEU) launched a trial of a new method of detecting speeding motorists which saw several speed indication devices installed in accident and high speeding sites, monitoring the speed of traffic 24 hours a day. The signs flash up the speeds of the vehicle and are clearly visible from up to 100 yards away. The information is then used by the police and speed enforcement teams to target the times and places where high speeding occurs.
“The reaction of the speed enforcement unit has obviously been one of concern and extra checks are currently in place and take place 24/7, not just during the day,” added Ashley. “These checks will not be going away, nor are they here just for a week or two, so those travelling at these outrageous speeds can expect the full force of the law when, not if, they are eventually recorded.
“The days of schools shutting at 4pm and going away for 6 weeks in the summer have long gone, as activities take place from early morning until late at night and also right throughout the summer holidays, so schools are rarely closed.
“I find it difficult to understand or believe that someone would wish to travel at 95mph faced with a flashing sign showing their speed. Speeds we see like those at Berkley School are accidents waiting to happen so please motorists slow down and think of the children, as well as your own lives and the consequences of an accident and the effect it could have on not only your own life, but your own family and those around you.”