Silver Crow, the innovative imprint launched by Frome Writers’ Collective two years ago, took flight at the Merlin Theatre in front of an enthusiastic audience on Thursday 28th March.
The event featured extracts from the ten books published so far by Silver Crow, with nine writers participating. Sadly, the tenth writer, Alan Somerville, died shortly after his book was published and the evening was dedicated to his memory.
UK Patron of Reading, local children’s author, Joffre White, introduced each of the writers and their books, and read an excerpt from Alan’s book himself.
Crysse Morrison, the Merlin Theatre’s live literature co-ordinator said, “Wide diversity and strong writing made this a fascinating evening, ably compered by Joffre White … Massive congratulations to all the authors and to the Silver Crow team.’
More details about Silver Crow Books is available from and about Frome Writers’ Collective from