FROME Times puts the spotlight on Di Warren, who volunteers with Active and In Touch, a Frome charity which helps and befriends people who have become isolated or out of touch with the community around them.
Di, who has lived in Frome all her life, joined Active and In Touch in 2013. She made the decision to become a volunteer because she felt that she could help someone who was lonely. Eight years ago, Di was matched with a lady who is still living independently, now at the age of 103. She was delighted to discover they had many things in common including a love of gardening, cooking and walking.
Together they discovered further mutual interests, a main one being life during World War II. She is “full of history about the war and especially cooking on a ration. Her gravy is amazing,” chuckles Di, and her face lights up as she adds, “she just puts everything into it”.
Before the pandemic, Di made regular home visits and then there was the addition of attending a weekly Keep Fit class at the Health Centre, which proved very helpful to them both, especially as Di’s lady was experiencing weakness in her legs, and this was curtailing their visits to the garden centre. Keep Fit has also resulted in more friends being made, as well as the well-being benefits from their exercise regimes.
Their meetings have, over the years, developed into a friendship which now includes Di’s husband Chris. In addition to their fun health sessions, they go on weekly shopping and morning coffee expeditions, have a fortnightly evening or afternoon meal out together with friends from “The More Mature Moves” and occasional Sunday lunches at Di’s home, with the famous gravy being brought along. There are also the less regular but still important get togethers for hair dos and a foot clinic!
During the pandemic, many of their excursions and face-to-face meetings were curtailed, but as soon as was possible it became back to business as usual!
This is a clear example of the two-way enjoyment and benefit which A&IT promotes, where both member and befriender (plus associated family and an ever-increasing circle of friends) gain from spending time together, prompting the comment “I wouldn’t get out and about as much if it weren’t for Di and Chris, who have become very good friends” whilst Di thoroughly enjoys the time spent together where she learns so much!
• Active 7 In Touch can offer ongoing befriending support to anyone who feels isolated or lonely in Frome and the surrounding villages. In addition, their volunteer drivers will help individuals make essential journeys.
“The people Active and In Touch support have become isolated and lonely through the circumstances that life has thrown at them, maybe caring for a partner for years, moving to a new area, or just not feeling confident to try new things alone,” says the group. “With the help of our volunteer befrienders we can make a real difference. Our volunteers meet people and spend time with them, find out their needs and interests, and help them to find their own place in the community.
“Our Volunteer Community Drivers support people who need transport to carry out essential activities like hospital visits, delivery of prescriptions and shopping. Their website for support or to volunteer is here:”