A MUSIC and drama project run with learning disabled adults in Frome was hailed a success recently after a performance of a story about animals.
The local ‘Drum It Up’ group ran sessions in Frome over four months, paid for by Somerset Skills and Learning, before performing the group’s work on 25th March.
The group was run by Tanya Sherriff and Katie Harris, who have backgrounds in education, youth work and social work.
Tanya said, “The course focused on celebrating diversity and difference, using music and drama to produce an interactive story with a group of adults with learning disabilities.
“The tale was set on the African plains and was about a group of animals who didn’t mix, until the elephant decided to have a party!
“The group performed their story to a room of 50 people, then facilitated a community drum circle which showcased some of the skills they learnt over the course. Painted People were there to make the participants into animals and the room was decorated in an African theme.
“Working with a group of adults with learning disabilities is always such a joy for us, as the group are so up for having fun and being playful, which we love.
“We had fun dressing up, dancing, singing and teaching the group the skills needed to direct a drum circle. It was great bringing different sections of the Frome community together in a celebration of everyone’s uniqueness and the diversity and difference in all of us.”
Drum It Up’s next public event is a drum and percussion session on 14th May from 1.30pm to 3pm at Christchurch Hall. For more information contact Tanya on 07941 248621 or email drumitupsomerset@gmail.com