The participants of the Frome Area Stroke Support group are keen to let people know about their group.
If you have been affected by a stroke, you would be very welcome to join them at this friendly, supportive group. You can share experiences, make friends and find out information over a cup of tea or coffee. Friends, family and carers are also welcome.
The speaker for the meeting on Thursday 26th November is Sheila Gore, owner of Frome Wholefoods, who will be giving a talk on healthy eating.
The group runs on the last Thursday of every month 10.30am-12.00noon at Frome Medical Practice. December’s meeting will be on 17th – not 31st. No need to book a place, just turn up. Free.
If you would like to know more about the group or the dates for 2016, please contact Health Connections Mendip on 01373 468368 or email