Voting for the People’s Budget Town Vote opened last week, following the decisions made by a group of local residents.
Frome Town Council reports, “All summer residents have been feeding into the Have Your Say 2019 consultation and over 50 projects had been loaded onto the ‘Your priorities’ site for residents to get into discussion about and to indicate their preferences.
“The People’s Budget is about local people voting to make direct decisions about how local public budgets are spent. £10,000 of the town council’s 2019/20 budget is available for a project to be decided on by the Town Vote.
“The projects that you can now vote on are:
• Intergenerational project connecting the generations through the things that they love;
• a youth workers’ project;
• the Frome Bursary, to support young people’s access to arts, sports and music opportunities;
• an accessible community allotment;
• Frome voice, a project designed to bring the community development project.
“We are asking you to put these in order of preference
“Some projects that had been put forward were excluded at the sift stage as they were either already on the work programme or did not meet the criteria of the Town Vote. They either weren’t within the strategic objectives of the town council, too large a project financially or not deliverable in the time frame.
“The sifting group was made up from a group of 14 residents who had taken part in the consultation, who had indicated at the consultation an interest in being further involved. The process was facilitated by Public Square, an organisation dedicated to helping residents become more involved in making decisions.”
Councillor Maxine Crawley said, “It was a fabulous day with lots of interesting debate. And it was really good to see how people scored the projects based on criteria and a process that I am interested in building on. I hope lots of people vote too!”
The council continued, “The group looked at all of the projects by looking at how the projects would benefit the people of Frome, asking how much need there is for this idea? How feasible it is? How much it benefits those with greatest need?
“Some projects which were popular such as a water fountain were discounted at the sift discussion as we already have over 30 shops and businesses throughout the town who subscribe to the refill scheme, which you can find out more about on the council website. Others were felt to be a good idea such as the village green idea, but were discounted due to the impracticality of working with other landowners, in this case Mendip District Council.
“To have your say in the People’s Budget Town Vote 2019 go to or visit the Town Hall or Discover Frome Information. Point and vote in person. The vote will close at 9.00am on 5th November.