While many Frome students went to Bath or Bristol to strike, a handful of passionate youngsters met on the morning of 24th of May to demonstrate their hopes and fears for the future and implored adults to put a halt to the destruction of wildlife and the environment.
1,6 million all over the world joined the global protest against our government’s inaction.
Supported by Fridays4futureFrome, a short introduction to people’s assemblies was given in the sun at Victoria park’s bandstand (People’s Assemblies are a way for a group of people to discuss issues or make decisions collectively, where all voices are heard and valued equally and no one person or group are able to dominate the process.) plus some advice about public speaking and an opportunity to practice.
“It was fun and inspirational for all involved and could be repeated at the next Youth Strike 4 Climate day on Friday 21st June.
“Huge thanks to Mothers against Barclay’s – who were also demonstrating in the centre of Frome – for singing, solidarity and, importantly, cake. NB: Babies against Barclays was part of a nationwide campaign organised by Momentum with People & Planet to stop the funders of climate change.
“School strikers are calling on everyone; young people, parents, workers, and all concerned citizens to join an international climate emergency strike on 27th September.
“For guidelines on how to communicate with schools on this issue, or to find out more, visit https://ukscn.org, the Fridays4futurefrome facebook and instagram, or email f4fFrome@gmail.com
“The world cares for us, now it’s time for us to care for the world,” said Lily, aged 9, at her school strike for climate.