THOUSANDS of trees will be planted across Frome as part of a new project.
Frome Town Council has given the green light to the ‘Wild about Trees’ campaign, which outlines a schedule of tree planting up until March 2022, on land owned by the town council, as reported in Frome Times last month.
At last month’s full town council meeting, councillors agreed that the project is an ‘important commitment for now and future generations’.
‘Season one’ of the project – between now and March 2020 – earmarks the Mary Baily playing field, Weylands, and Birchill Lane for planting.
The campaign, which supports the council’s pledge to fight climate change and make Frome a carbon neutral town by 2030, follows in the footsteps of the successful ‘Wild about Frome’ project, which involved areas around the town being left to grow, to create havens for wildflowers, bees and insects to flourish.
A detailed project plan including costs will be discussed at the ‘Council Matters’ meeting on Wednesday 6th November.