FROME Town Council has announced exciting plans of what it would like to see in the redevelopment of the Saxonvale site.
The plans include a minimum of 30% affordable housing; a well-connected riverside park; space for cultural and community activity; retail space; workspace to support local businesses; and opportunities for the community to be engaged in the pre-application process.
The council says that success will depend on working closely with Mendip District Council, who own the majority of the site. The plans would include 1.5 acres of adjoining land owned by the town council in the redevelopment plans.
At last week’s Frome Town Council ‘Town Matters’ meeting, councillors voted in favour of a ‘position statement’, which lists a number of aims for the derelict site in the centre of Frome that has lain empty for more two decades.
The council agreed to delegate to the deputy town clerk, Peter Wheelhouse, who is also the town council’s economic development & regeneration manager, to explore how the council can work with Mendip District Council to deliver a comprehensive scheme, including the town council’s land.
“With Mendip’s purchase of the land there is opportunity to overcome significant inertia that Saxonvale has suffered from for many years,” said Peter. “Also, the fact that most of the site, with the exception of Silk Mill, is now in public ownership, as Frome Town Council own an acre and a half, there’s an opportunity for us to deliver a comprehensive regeneration of Saxonvale – and that’s a long-standing community ambition.
“Success really depends on the two local authorities, Mendip district and Frome town, working closely together – and reaching an early consensus on how the site will be developed is an important objective.
“We are not starting with a blank sheet, there has been discussion over Saxonvale for many years, and there are a number of policy documents already in place, which are a starting point for the development of the site.”
Frome Town Council’s position statement on the future of Saxonvale draws on the policies and objectives within the Saxonvale Planning Brief & Design Codes 2005, Frome River Strategy 2012, Town Design Statement 2015, Frome Neighbourhood Plan 2008-28, draft Saxonvale policy in Mendip Local Plan Part 2 and evidence of need in the town. It says in full, “We wish to explore how Frome Town Council can work with MDC to deliver a high-quality comprehensive scheme that fully integrates with the existing town centre and provides sustainable transport choices, with good means of access for those on foot and bicycle between the development and the existing town centre and providing relief for Vicarage Street.
“We are prepared to explore the possibility of inclusion of Frome Town Council’s own land in any scheme.
“We support a mixed-use solution. The mix should include: A broad range of dwellings in terms of size, cost and tenure. To address the pressing need for more affordable accommodation in the town, we would expect to see social rented and shared equity opportunities as part of the mix. The recommendation is a minimum of 30% affordable housing. We would also like to explore the possibility of delivering housing that meets the needs of young people and families who are currently priced out of Frome and the growing number of older people (‘downsizers’) whose future housing aspirations are not being met by either specialist retirement developers or mass-market housing products.
“Retail space that broadens the comparison offer of the town centre through sensitive new development.
“Leisure e.g. restaurants, pubs and hotel accommodation that encourage greater evening activity and space for cultural and community activity (e.g a town square) that will enhance the town centre as a destination.
“Workspace that helps to meet the needs of businesses in the town and the opportunity for training providers such as Somerset Skills & Learning to continue to operate in the town centre.
“A well-connected riverside park to improve access to the river as well as other public spaces and a new pedestrian and cycle bridge across the river that will better connect the development with both the existing town centre and surrounding residential areas and enable cyclists to avoid busier roads in the town centre.
“Our expectation is that the development closest to the existing town centre will be of a higher density with a graduation to lower density development towards Rivers Reach. Building heights should respect the topography.
“Frome Town Council would wish to see an opportunity for the community to be engaged pre-application.”