Local people opposed to the development of fields north of Packsaddle Way in Frome have received a boost in their fight to keep the area free from housing after Frome Town Council said they would not support an application to build 74 houses at the site.
At a meeting of Frome Town Council’s planning committee last week, which was attended by over 70 residents, councillors unanimously voted to object to the plans, highlighting the density of the houses, the lack of affordable housing, and the types of houses that LiveWest are proposing.
Live West is proposing to build 74 houses, along with a home for children with disabilities at the fields. In the plans, 22 of the houses will be affordable, which is 30% of the total – these will be provided as 17 for social rent (77%) and five for shared ownership (23%).
The meeting started with a presentation by LiveWest, who explained their plans in detail before entering into a public Q&A section, where they were questioned by members of the public, before councillors had their turn to dissect the plans.
At the meeting, LiveWest acknowledged that the area had an asset of community value status and that it was also listed as a green space, but added that the site had also previously identified as “suitable, available and deliverable for housing” by the unitary authority.
Toby Culff from People for Packsaddle (PfP) gave a passionate plea to councillors and LiveWest that the area should remain undeveloped for the benefit of the local community who have enjoyed the fields and the vast wildlife that it supports for decades. PfP have said that their long-term aims are to bring the fields into community ownership in the future.
Speaking to the LiveWest representatives, cllr Fiona Barrows said, “You say you want to solve the housing crisis and give affordable housing to those that need it, yet you are only offering 30% affordable housing for this site, which is the bare minimum that could be provided. You are a social housing provider and when I first heard that you were interested in the fields at Packsaddle, I thought that you may have offered up to 50% or 60% affordable homes, but this is not the case.
“We don’t need these kinds of homes in Frome – we need one or two beds, more than anything. You also talked earlier about sustainability at the site. Well, you are offering gas boilers, poor insulation and no solar panels. Where is the longevity with this? There is a clear discrepancy from what you are saying to us and what you are actually offering.”
Cllr Polly Lamb asked how this development would benefit Frome when there is clear opposition to the plans.
In response, a LiveWest spokesperson said, “This application has been received like many applications we submit – people don’t want to see green fields built on. However we are in the business of providing homes and there is a housing crisis. We know there is an affordability issue with regards to the housing crisis, which is why we are committed to building affordable homes on this site.
“We’ve heard very passionate people talking tonight and this tends to happen when we submit applications for greenfield sites. Unfortunately, there is a need for houses on both green and brown field land, and there is also a need for open market houses just as much as there is for affordable. I know people are saying ‘not here’, but in terms of planning policy there is a need.”
Cllr Lisa Merryweather added, “From listening to members of the public and my fellow councillors, it is clear that this is not right for this community. I’ve also heard you speak about the need for housing, but this plan is not fit for purpose and this community will not accept this development.”
Frome Town Council planning and development officer, Catherine Warburton said, “I’m not opposed to greenfield development in Frome as we have a limited number of brownfield sites in the town, but I do not feel that this is a good enough design at all. My main issue is that this plan is car dominant, the layout doesn’t make sense and the types of houses will cause issues.”
Cllr Steve Tanner summarised, “I am proud of Frome Town Council’s planning team, and we often punch above our weight here as we try to work with developers to produce developments that fit into the town, but unfortunately on this occasion, the developer did not take any of our comments into account, so we will be objecting to this application for a number of reasons.”
The reasons for refusal include: a lack of affordable housing, too much emphasis on four and five bed houses, all houses should have an air source heat pump, solar panels and be net zero, the site is included in the green space audit and was awarded an asset of community value status, the site is outside the development boundary, as well as issues with the density of the houses in the plan.
To view the application search 2023/0864/FUL on the Somerset Council website.