PROMOTING Frome as a destination shopping town, creating contemporary town maps, being a part of the town’s successful ‘super markets’ and spreading pride in Frome, are just some of the ways that the Town Team has worked to benefit Frome over the past year.
The Town Team was set up in March 2012 after a government report, undertaken by Mary Portas, TV’s self-professed “Queen of shops”, recommended that a team is put in place to promote town centres.
Following the release of the report, Karen Clements took on the role of Frome town centre manager, responsible for the co-ordination of Frome Town Team. She said, “Since starting up, the Town Team has actioned achievable projects that can are purely for the benefit of Frome.
“We have secured large town centre maps that will look contemporary and guide people around the town. These are set to go up on the library and Marks and Spencer buildings, with more maps on the way soon.
“We were successful in securing £10,000 from central government to help promote and market Frome as a destination town and we are looking at how best to move this forward.
“Something that we are passionate about is instilling pride in Frome. The Town Team is in the early stages of a ‘Keep Frome Clean’ campaign, to tackle litter issues around the town and help educate people about the effects that litter can have.”
The Town Team is also responsible for looking into developing a Frome app. An app, short for application, is a piece of software that can be accessed instantly on smartphones.
“It’s being worked on as we speak and it should make visitors to Frome have a better understanding of the town,” said Karen. “We will continue to work to benefit the future of the town. There are around 40 people on the Town Team and we all discuss which projects would help take the town forward and what is realistically achievable.
“If anyone would like to join the Town Team, then they can contact me.”
If you would like to join the Town Team, contact Karen on 01373 475579.