THERE has been huge support for Wessex Counselling Service’s new project Changing Course which aims to provide free counselling to young people in Frome.
The latest donation has been provided by Frome Lions who raised more than £8,000 through their annual dinner. This has now enabled the project to get started.
Julie Wilde, clinical manager of Wessex Counselling Service said, “There has been such a generous response to our appeal for this project and donations have come from many local sources including Frome Rotary, The Masons, CPN and The Keyford and The Blue House Educational Fund. With this marvellous boost from Frome Lions the scheme will be up and running very shortly.
“This project will help some of our most troubled young people between the ages of five and 18, for whom there has been no access to free professional counselling locally, and whose difficulties can lead to spiralling problems for themselves and others.
“This project has captured the imagination of people in Frome because they can see that if we help young people when they are struggling, then this contributes towards making the healthy, safe and strong communities we all want to live in.
“It is very exciting to be able to gain this much local support and this has enabled us to be awarded a further grant of £10,000 from The Big Lottery Fund for this much needed project .”
Young people, relatives, or referrers will be able to find out more about Changing Course by calling the Wessex Counselling office on 01373 453355 or by emailing