REPORTING direct from his own weather station in Frome, our local meteorologist, Michael Cooper, has all the facts and figures for Frome’s weather in September.
Weather statistics for Frome September 2017.
Rainfall for September = 94mm. The highest September rainfall since 2006.
It is interesting to note that in this September, there were 23 days of measureable rainfall. Three days of rain which were not measureable and four days of no rainfall trace.
The average rain fall for Frome over the past 15 years = 64mm, so this September was well over the average.
All readings were recorded from a Met/Check Cu Rain gauge i.a.w. Air Ministry Form 1122.
Highest D.T.T. = 19 Degrees C . recorded at 3pm on the 1st, 4th and 6th September.
Lowest D.T.T. = 14 Degrees C. recorded at 3pm on the 3rd, 10th, 11th, 15th, 17th, 18th and 21st September.
Highest N.T.T. = 15 Degrees C. recorded during the nights of 3rd, 24th, 25th September.
Lowest N.T.T. = 8 Degrees C. recorded during the night of Thursday 21st September.
Lowest temperature recorded at 7am = 4 Degrees C. recorded Friday 22nd September.
It is interesting to note that this September the average D.T.T. = 16.1 Degrees C compared to last year’s average of 18.18 Degrees C.
All temperatures were recorded from within a S.S. from two different thermometers.
Air pressure:
Lowest Barometric Atmospheric air pressure = 1001mb recorded on Sunday 10th September.
Highest Barometric Atmospheric air pressure = 1021mb recorded on the 1st and 2nd September.
Wind speed:
Highest Wind Speed = 44 m.p.h. Vector Direction = S.W. Recorded Wednesday 13th September.