COVID-19 has impacted everyone from all walks of life. When thinking of the effects on vulnerable people, thoughts immediately turn to the older generation, or those with underlying physical health issues. But YMCA Mendip & South Somerset is working hard to meet the needs of the younger people they support.

“We are currently supporting 96 people (16yrs+) within our Housing Projects across Mendip & South Somerset; some of whom have lost their jobs and who are unable to go to college, or continue with their training,” says Michelle Payne, Fundraising Manager.
“Our residents in Frome have cleared their communal garden – this has been great for breaking the ice with new residents and for burning off excess energy. The residents have had a group meeting and have planned a “zoned” garden area, to include a herb garden, a vegetable patch and a seating area to relax in.
“They are planning to build wooden planters and brighten up the garden by planting flowers. This is a long term project, planned and started during lockdown; but will be a legacy after things have returned to “normal”. Residents are growing seeds in their flats ready to plant out.
“We have had residents who have taken up free online courses; challenged themselves to bake, using only 3 ingredients; created artwork to decorate their communal spaces; and even turned to sewing to make bunting!
“With the help of Somerset Community Foundation, Tesco Bags of Help Scheme and Neighbourly, we have been able to offer financial support by providing residents with food vouchers and the purchasing of essential items. With personal wellbeing at the forefront of our minds, this funding has also enabled us to provide additional resources to combat the growing boredom, anxiety and stress that is being felt.
“During these difficult times, having additional resources for the residents to join in with crafts, activities and cooking sessions; plus the opportunity to learn new skills, has really been a blessing. All our residents are trying to cope as best they can whilst in communal lockdown, with not only the loss of normal routine and the stability that our housing projects try to sustain; but to also continue to deal with the other effects that their circumstances bring.
“Trying to stay positive during these strange uncertain times is hard for everyone; but for those that we support, who are battling other issues, we are proud that they are taking on opportunities that have been made available to them; and are being inspired to try new things and involve themselves in activities they wouldn’t normally consider.

“The young people we normally support through our Youth Clubs, Youth Councils and Young Carers Groups (200+ 8-19 year olds per week) are being offered support through Zoom youth sessions, closed Facebook groups (where appropriate) and via phone calls; checking on the welfare of individuals and their families.
“Our programme of activities is led by our young people, what they’re interested in and what they want to do. Our youth workers have been working on digital resources and fun activities to get our young people engaged in being creative, learning new skills and having fun.
“Most recently they have been challenged to improve their drawing skills by following you tube videos from Draw with Rob and then sharing them on the group zoom sessions; making stop motion films by downloading a free app; making paper aeroplanes of different designs and seeing whose flies the furthest; and entering their pets into a show and tell on-line pet show.
“Everyone in YMCA Mendip & South Somerset – staff, residents and others who use our services, are supporting each other; encouraging involvement; and helping each other to stay positive and kind.
“If anyone would like to contribute to our charity, they can do so in many ways. We are most grateful of craft items, cooking ingredients, art equipment or gardening resources. Currently we have a Crowdfunding page set up for anyone wishing to donate to our charity during this current crisis; helping us to keep supporting those who need us during this daunting situation.
“Any amount of donation would be gratefully received.”