Businesses in the Frome area could grab £1,000 as part of a ‘New Business Start Up’ competition.
The competition, being organised by Frome and District Chamber of Commerce and Wessex Chambers, was launched at an event held at Frome Memorial Theatre on Thursday 24th May.
Neil Howlett, chairman of Frome & District Chamber of Commerce said, “The Discuss & Do events we have run showed the number of budding entrepreneurs there are in Frome. This will be a great opportunity for some of them to get recognition for what they are doing. My firm, Harris & Harris, is pleased to support this award and all entrepreneurs; they are our future.”
Mendip District Council is proud to be the main sponsors for the New Business Start Up competition for Frome and district, offering a £1,000 prize to the eventual winner. Richard Roberts, senior business development officer at Mendip District Council said, “We are really pleased to be supporting this event as the main sponsor and working with Frome and District Chamber of Commerce and Wessex Chambers to help support new business start ups.”
Businesses that have set up since January 2011 who are based in the Frome and District Chamber of Commerce area are able to enter the event. The closing date is Friday 5th October, with a presentation dinner to take place on Friday 9th November.
Stefan Barbaruk, manager of Wessex Chambers said, “We are delighted to be involved in the organising of this competition for Frome and we would encourage anyone who has just started, or thinking about setting up a new business to enter, as they have nothing to lose, but everything to gain.”
Cllr Philip Ham, portfolio holder for policy and performance which includes business development said, “Mendip District Council is committed to supporting business development and growth across the district and we are pleased to be able to support an event that is helping to promote and support new businesses.” To find out more about the event please visit and for more information about business support offered by Mendip District Council, please visit