LOCALLY based charity Educating Kenyan Orphans (EKO) is holding a sumptuous supper at Mells Barn, Mells, on Saturday 24th November from 4.00pm to 10.00pm.
Melanie Moulding, trustee and secretary EKO said, “You don’t need a ticket as the charity is asking for donations for an evening you won’t forget. We suggest you arrive early, before all the food is gone.
“The money raised is to pay for the teachers at the school the charity runs in Ngong, Kenya, and to ensure the children receive breakfast and a midday meal.
“There will be a performance by drummers playing African rhythms, followed by more dance music.
“Educating Kenyan Orphans is a small charity and all proceeds raised are all for the needs of the children. There are no paid staff or overheads that syphon off the money raised.
“The charity is hoping there will be people who will be willing to do a monthly direct debit to secure the income of the school.
“All are welcome for a wonderful evening. For more information, phone 01373 812033.”