A Frome charity shop is supporting a national campaign to claim the millions of pounds lost each year through the poor take-up of Gift Aid.
The Barnardo’s store in The Precinct has estimated an income of £18,000 from the national scheme this year, in the form of a tax-back sum paid directly to the charity.
However, if every local donor signed up then the charity could make an additional £20,000, to give a grand total of more than £38,000 of extra money to spend on vital services for vulnerable children and young people.
Nationally, it’s estimated that the charity could gain an extra £6.5million.
Barnardo’s shop manager Judith Loughlin said, “Our Missing Millions Appeal is about making every penny of each donation count.
“I don’t think people really understand just how simple it is to sign up to Gift Aid and what an important difference it can make to our work – without costing them a penny.”
Donors simply need to be UK taxpayers and spend a moment filling out and signing a declaration form which confirms their full name and address. They are then given a card to use every time they donate and will receive regular notifications telling them how much their donations have earned in Gift Aid.
Shoppers can even sign up for several different charities if they want to support other good causes.
Judith added, “We hope people will visit our website where television presenter Helen Fospero has recorded a short film in support of the appeal.
“Thanks to the Gift Aid scheme, we can give tens of thousands of children the help and support they desperately deserve.”
The Frome shop is open Monday-Saturday from 9.00am-5.00pm and on Sundays from 10.00am-4.00pm, and always welcomes donations of good-quality clothes, books, toys, games and accessories, as well as offers of help from potential volunteers.
Call: 01373 463513 – visit www.barnardos.org.uk