A popular guest at Frome Festival Poetry Cafe last year, Steve Pottinger, is now touring with two poet friends in a unique blend of poetry and theatre they are calling ‘Poets, Prattlers, and Pandemonialists’
They performed this at Edinburgh and other festivals to great acclaim –
“An evening of poetry and theatre like you’ve never seen before. Breathtakingly good… so well judged in its construction… the best thing I’ve seen in a very long time…”
Now touring, their one-night stop in Frome will be on Tuesday 2nd October, at the Merlin Theatre, starting at 8pm. Tickets are just £5.50 and for another £6 you can also enjoy a delicious buffet supper in the foyer, available from 7pm. (Pre-booking is essential for the buffet, and recommended for the show.)
Crysse Morrison