‘Frome on the Frontline’ tells the story of life in Frome during the First World War, through local newspaper reports and letters home from soldiers.
The exhibition at Frome Museum from 22nd July to 15th November 2014 focuses on the important role that local industry played in the war effort, and pays tribute to Frome’s own war heroes, not only those on the frontline, but the workers in the factories, families who took in refugees and those tirelessly working for war charities like the Frome War Hospital Depot and the Prisoners of War Fund.
The exhibition includes a collection of letters which Frome soldier, Harry Horwood, wrote to his family, from signing up in Taunton in 1915, to his last poignant letter in August 1918, just before he was fatally wounded. Through the archive of Mary Bullen, you can catch a glimpse of life as a nurse at the local military hospital, set up at Longleat House. The foundry of J. W.Singers & Sons produced over 23.000 tons of metal for the war effort and as recorded in the minute book visitors will be able to see the trials and tribulations involved for a factory in the First World War.
Many photographs, medals and original items from the trenches will all be on show.
Pictured: l-r, BBC Radio Somerset presenter Vernon Harwood with Sue Bucklow from Frome Museum