FROME Fire Cadets are crowdfunding to raise £6,000 to send them to the 21st International Youth Firefighters competition 2017 in Austria.
The cadets have qualified to take part in the International Young Firefighters competition in Villach, Austria in July this year, but to be able to attend, the 10 cadets need to raise £6,000 to cover the cost of their trip. The competition will be fierce, with 500 cadets and 60 teams from 30 different countries taking part. But they will have the honour of representing their country, Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service, as well as Somerset and Frome.
The event will offer the cadets a fantastic opportunity to fully test their technical skills and sporting abilities by taking part in a whole range of challenges and competitions, all conducted in a spirit of competitive friendship.
Two of the cadets, Rory Blakey-Flavell and Clayton Sale said, “We would like to think we would do well in Austria but one thing we can promise is we will do our country, Frome, Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service and most of all our supporters proud, it will be an honour for all of us to attend and make life-lasting memories.
“We would be extremely thankful if people could help us get to Villach by donating anything they can from £1 to £5, we really appreciate it. The £6,000 will be used for us to travel to the event, entry fees and equipment needed to compete.
“We will be in Austria for seven days providing we can raise the funds for us to attend, to train for the competition, complete the competition, running a cultural stand, and networking with similar groups from across the world.
“We would like to thank everybody for their support so far and thank everybody in advance for their support and promise we will do them proud at the event.
“We will also be holding an open day on the 1st May at the fire station between 10am and 4pm or for more information, find us on Facebook – Frome Fire Cadets.”
To sponsor, visit www.crowdfunder.co.uk/frome-fire-cadets.