FROME Against the Cuts, a group which has recently been set up in Frome to oppose the government’s policy of public sector cuts, has been collecting the views of local people and will be holding a public meeting on Wednesday 29th of June.
The group staged an information stall outside Frome Library, where they also interviewed market-goers. Local filmmaker, Dylan Etherington, has also created a short film as people expressed their concerns.
Emma Russell from the group says, “Frome Against the Cuts is a new group of people in Frome opposed to the government’s policy of public sector cuts. We believe that the cuts are unfair, unnecessary and will damage the UK’s economy. We aim to share information about what is happening, particularly in the Frome area, why there are better alternatives, and how people can oppose the cuts.
“We will be holding a public meeting on Wednesday 29th of June at Frome Residents Centre at 8.15pm. Please come along to discuss how we can most effectively campaign against the cuts.”
Areas of concern to local people which were highlighted at the information event were; care for the elderly and people with long-term illness; cuts to library opening hours; benefit cuts, particularly housing benefit and disability living allowance; the removal of arts funding across Somerset; cuts to children’s and young people’s services; reductions in bus services; poorer waste and recycling facilities.
The group said that many Frome people spoke of redundancies or fear for their jobs – both those in the public sector, and those who work for private companies affected by the weakened economy. Julie Hawkins an FAC member stated, “Many families are finding this period of extreme and unjustified cuts very difficult.”
You can learn more by visiting the FAC website at www.frome-against-cuts. or contact the group at frome.against. There is also an online survey where you can the group what you think about the cuts at