FROME mum, Lisa Wells, continues her journey to leave a legacy for her daughters after being diagnosed with cancer last year. Now, alongside author Michelle Robinson, she is crowdfunding enough money to release a children’s book, to help families deal with the loss of a parent.
Lisa, who was diagnosed with bowel and liver cancer last year, has been given between two and 12 months to live. She has been using her precious time to fundraise for the future of her two daughters, Ava-Lily and Saffia, as well as campaigning for the age of bowel screenings to be reduced, raising money for Dorothy House Hospice.
Alongside the project, money will also be raised to go towards Lisa’s favourite charity, ‘Mummy’s Star’ which is the only charity in the UK and Ireland dedicated to women and their families affected by cancer during pregnancy shortly after a birth.
She has teamed up with local author Michelle Robinson, local charity WHY (We Hear You), publisher Graffeg, illustrators Tim Budgen and Cataline Ecceveri and bookbinder CPI Antony Rowe, to produce the book. The team are hoping to raise £5,000 to publish and distribute the book titled ‘Only One of Me’ so Lisa can share it with her own daughters. The crowdfunding page had reached £2,925 at the time of press.
The book will be made with two versions, one for mothers and another for fathers, and will be distributed to charities, hospitals and hospices, so it gets into the hands of those who really need it.
Michelle Robinson said, “Lisa is undergoing chemotherapy while campaigning to raise awareness for bowel cancer screening. She is a wonderful person and has garnered huge support from friends, family and admirers known collectively as Lisa’s Army.
“Trust me, once you’ve met Lisa or heard her talk, you’ll be a fan. She’s fun, loyal, loving, brilliant and courageous – frankly she’s my hero. Death isn’t a nice thing to think about, but for families like Lisa’s there’s no getting away from it.”
To donate to Lisa and Michelle’s crowdfunding page visit: https://www.just giving.com/crowdfunding/ onlyoneofme to donate to Lisa’s Army visit: www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/ lisa-wells-3 or for more information about Michelle’s previous work, visit her website at: http://michellerobinson.co.uk
Picture: Michelle Robinson with Lisa Wells (right).