Mendip Community Speed Watch coordinator, Ashley Reay, reports a very gloomy picture of excess speeds at Berkley School for the first month of 2018.
He reports, “Speeds continue to be very high as checks have shown, with some 20% of the whole of 2017 total for speeds over 50 mph in a 30 mph zone already recorded. There has also been an alarming number of persons recorded by the police speed enforcement when collecting children from school. All will be prosecuted.
“A joint letter from the CSW and Police has been delivered to the school and forwarded to parents, pointing out the dangers of speeding when approaching the school to collect children. It is not suggested for one moment that all parents are guilty of excess speed, but extra care does need to be taken before a tragedy happens.
“Police and the speed enforcement unit, along with CSW teams, will carry out a heavy programme of enforcement throughout 2018 at Berkley School to ensure that the ‘please slow down’ message is reinforced. Enforcement is really the last option, but the ongoing refusal of the motoring public to slow down and show respect for the children leaves the enforcement services little option.”