FROME’S Green Party councillors have called on Mendip District Council to learn from ‘mistakes’ made regarding the Saxonvale development.
They say they urge the council not to miss an opportunity through their policy of building social housing for rent on land they own to provide developments which truly reflect the needs of the community and are fit for the future.
In a statement they say, “The announcement that the Saxonvale site had been purchased by Mendip District Council was widely welcome, reflecting an opportunity to build on a site which had lain derelict for over 25 years. It presented an opportunity to build something that would be fit for the 21st Century, meeting the needs of Frome and the challenges we face from the impact of climate change.
“The reality has been sadly far removed from this vision. Saxonvale has been shrouded in a cloak of perceived secrecy and meaningful engagement with the community. There has been a distinct lack of transparency, not only to the local community, but to those that represent them. Even ward councillors, despite requesting information from Mendip about the financial aspect of the project, answers have not been forthcoming.
“The council has been driven by the motivation to demonstrate a return above the £9million they have invested in the site having paid the full market rate. Arguments have rightly been made that this is to cover the budgetary shortfall they are facing, to avoid cuts and ensure the security of future services.
“However, at the same time, the council has approved borrowing of up to £180million to invest in commercial and retail property. The question could be asked – if this is available to them, is there not an opportunity to use this borrowing capacity to invest in future developments? Social investment for social benefit.
“There has been much debate over meeting the local plan requirement of 30% affordable housing. However, this has been reduced to 25% affordable housing because of the 5% reduction allowed through vacant buildings credit. It remains unclear how the Homes England grant to the council of £3.95million has been used, other than preparing the site for development, a cost normally borne by the developer.
“Funding from Homes England is generally focused on “delivering affordable housing”. In this instance Acorn were contractually obliged to deliver 20%. However, Acorn have agreed to increase this to 21%, in effect, an extra 3 homes. It would appear that this substantial grant has not contributed to the desired outcome of 25% affordable housing.
“The fact is that currently Saxonvale will not provide the level of social housing for rent that is so badly needed. As owners of the land, Mendip District Council could have stipulated 25% affordable housing. The failure to do so is because a fundamental principle of the development is that of maximising profit, rather than providing homes for all. It is about ensuring “viability” for Mendip District Council and the developer.
“Mendip’s new ambition to build social housing on land they own, could make this an opportunity to learn and rectify the mistakes being made with Saxonvale. They could ensure any future developments reflect the needs of Frome and Mendip through genuine and meaningful engagement with the community, in how any developments are shaped.
“Norwich and York councils have created development offering a zero- carbon lifestyle. Providing an environment where residents can live in a sustainable way, from the heating of their homes, to growing their own food through community allotments. Where cars are relegated to the outskirts. These developments offer networks of pathways, green spaces filled with trees for the community to share, where children can play in a safe car free, clean environment.
“Sites could provide a mix of social housing and market value housing to allow subsidy for any future developments. Housing should be built to the highest energy efficiency standards (PassivHaus) to make them fit for a Climate Change future. Areas could be set aside for Self-Build and Community Land Trust housing, the latter ensuring houses remain for rent and are not able to be sold off under the ‘Right to Acquire’ policy (formally Right to Buy). This is an achievable vision for all housing, not just social and affordable housing.”
On 29th October, councillors will have the opportunity to hear about plans to build social housing for rent on five sites across Mendip. Councillor John Clarke, on behalf of the Green group told Frome Times, “ We call on all councillors to make every effort to ensure Mendip will have the housing and environment we deserve for generations to come.
“Reach out to architects and local organisations, start talking about a new vision for council-led community housing developments in Mendip. This is Mendip’s second chance. Let’s not see another lost opportunity.”
Cllr John Clarke, Market Ward; Cllr Michael Dunk, Market Ward; Cllr Shane Collins, Keyford Ward; Cllr Helen Kay, Keyford Ward