FIRST & 7th Frome Scout Group had a lot to celebrate before the half- term break when they had a visit from the Scouts’ Somerset county commissioner, Liz Henderson, who was there to see a talk about the Queen’s Scout Award from Jacob Lee.
The presentation was the final task for Jacob to qualify for the Queen’s Scout Award, which is the top achievement for Explorer Scouts and the Scout network members. Closely linked to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award, the award is presented at the Queen’s Scout Parade held at Windsor Castle in March and is presented by a member of the royal family.
On the same evening, five Scouts did a presentation to the group on their recent expedition challenge. The five had to plan and carry out, for themselves, a night away including travel on public transport, meals, timetable, overnight camp, kit and budget.
They did the expedition over the May Bank Holiday, travelling by rail, bus and on foot to and from Lyme Regis, carrying all their own kit with accompanying adults only there to shadow.
The expedition challenge is one of nine challenge awards that go towards the Chief Scout gold award, which is the highest achievement for Scouts and, for two of the group, Seth and Esme, was the final award to achieve, so Liz Henderson presented them with the Chief Scout Gold Award.
Commenting on their experience, the Scouts all agreed that the expedition challenge was not as scary as they thought and it has given them confidence with public transport, a better understanding of budgeting and an appreciation of the work that goes towards organising a Scout or Cub camp!