FOLLOWING the retirement of Colin Alsbury who served as vicar of St John’s Church for over 20 years, the search is on for a new parish priest.
A church spokesperson says, “It is quite a slow process, involving the Diocese of Bath and Wells, the Parochial Church Council, and the local community. The first stage involves writing a parish profile – a document outlining what St John’s Church stands for in the town, and this is where you can help.
“The first church in Frome was founded by St Aldhelm in the year 685, making St John’s one of the oldest churches in the country and significantly older than Wells Cathedral. While some of the original Saxon stones are still visible, the church has been rebuilt several times.
“The current building dates back to the early 15th century and its rich decoration is Victorian. Throughout its history it has played a significant part in the lives of the people of Frome. Now, as the next chapter of the church’s story is about to begin you can get involved. Do you have any stories connected with the church? Were any of your family baptised, married or buried there? Did you attend the church school or sing in the choir? Or do you sometimes walk past the open doors of the church and wonder what goes on inside?
“In recent years the church has hosted concerts, served lunches, held bric-a-brac sales. What might it offer to the community in future? On the parish web-site ( there is a short survey with four simple questions: What does Frome mean to you? What works well? What is challenging about Frome? What are your hopes and priorities for Frome?
“This questionnaire is anonymous and open to all; if you can’t access it online there are also paper copies at the back of the church. The closing date for submissions is Tuesday 5th March and there will be an open meeting in church on Saturday 9th March, 10am to 12pm to discuss the issues raised.”