Frome begins a 10-day celebration of community arts as the hugely popular Frome Festival begins this week, running from Friday...
FROME’s critically acclaimed Mark Bruce Company, makes their Memorial Theatre debut on Friday 15th March and Saturday 16th March, with...
FROME Jazz Club’s latest ‘Stolen Moments’ free concert series will feature saxophonist Sam Crockatt, double bassist Henrik Jensen and pianist...
NEXT month’s film showing at the Batcombe Film Society is If Beale Street Could Talk on Friday 15th March. Adapted...
TO celebrate International Women’s Day, next month’s Trio Paradis Café Concert at Christ Church is Daughters of the Muse: music...
ARTISTS in Dialogue, the ongoing art project between Frome-based and Ukrainian artists are showcasing their work at Rook Lane Chapel...
INTERNATIONAL Women’s Day is being celebrated in Frome in March with two special events that will embrace big issues impacting...
THERE’S plenty of entertainment and live music in store at Frome’s Memorial Theatre in March. Sir Ranulph Fiennes will be...
THE Frome Society’s programme of Saturday afternoon talks in the Assembly Rooms behind the Memorial Theatre continues on Saturday 2nd...
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